3D Viewer


We can bring your ideas to life!

Using the latest technology and 3D design software to give you an interactive experience allowing you to engage with your product in real time


  1. Find the .zip file in your email
  2. Extract it
  3. Drag and Drop the .obj file onto the the viewer
  4. View and interact with the 3D object

Example: Click here to Download a sample 3D object to see how it works

We can bring your ideas to life!

Using the latest technology and 3D design software to give you an interactive experience allowing you to engage with your product in real time


  1. Find the .zip file in your email
  2. Extract it
  3. Drag and Drop the .obj file onto the the viewer
  4. View and interact with the 3D object

Example: Click here to Download a sample 3D object to see how it works